A supplier in a person or business who acts as an intermediary between the manufacturer and retailer, that provides a product or service to another entity. Here the buyers are the companies, and the suppliers are those who supply the companies.
to use B2C
1. Get started by clicking add supplier to
add a new supplier in contact section. (Ref: Img 1)
Img: 2
3. In Basic
Details section fill the “Company Name” in the given required text
box, it represents the suppliers company name. Fill the company’s print name
which must be displayed in print form.
Note: If the company’s print name is same as
the company’s name click the box above which is mentioned “As company’s name”
text box.
The boxes with ‘*’ symbol are
mandatory (it must be filled compulsory).
4. Fill the Department of the supplier respectively.To add new department list select add new option(Ref:Img 3)
5. Enter the list item to be added in the right side box and click save (Ref:Img 4).
6. Next fill the Landline number and Mobile Number of the person to be contacted.
7. Fill the supplier’s E-Mail id, please fill the id with the correct extension (eg:, etc...). E-Mail is the source where the required person or company can be contacted Enter the contact person’s name to whom you must contact and clear any doubts if needed.
8. Enter the supplier’s whatsapp number in the required text box and enter the company’s website in the website text box.
9. Select the contact type whether he/she is a customer or supplier or both customer and supplier or a contractor respectively (Ref:Img 5)
10. Fill the TDS tax percentage (Tax
Deducted at Source) which the government collects tax from our very source of income
11. Enter the supplier code in
the required given text box and the company’s short name in the short name
text box respectively
12. Enter the Reference name of
the person or company by the source who referred the company.
13. After completing the basic details
move on to Accounting section.
14. In Accounting section, fill the GST IN number about the respected person without any mistakes. (Ref:Img 6)
Note: GST
is total of 15 digits, in which the first two
digits represent the State Code and the following next 10 digits represent the
PAN of the applicant.
15. Enter the amount you want to pay for your
supplier for the received product in the “Payable Opening Balance” section (Ref:Img 6)
16. Enter the amount you received balance from the
customer in the “Receivable Opening Balance” (Ref:Img 6)
17. Enter the Bank Details in the required right-side Bank and Other Details box, fil the account name, bank name, account number, IFSC code and mention other details if needed in the Other Details place. (Ref:Img 6)
18. After completing the Accounting Details fill the Billing Address and shipping address.
19. In Billing Address enter the Street Address correctly and enter the city, State and Zip code and Country.
Note: If the shipping address is same as the billing address the make a tic in the text box named as “Use the billing address” above the shipping address section (Ref: Img 6)
In the place of
attaching any files or any sample pictures “My Attachment” text box
below the billing address section is used. To attach the files, make a click on
the symbol near the My Attachment box. It will lead you to the file manager
where you can select your required file to be attached with. The attached files
can be referred by clicking “My Attachment” section.
21. After filling
the details click Save.
22. To see the added supplier, click My Supplier in the Contacts section (Ref:Img 7).
23. In My Supplier section, enter the Supplier name and contact type of the supplier in the required text box and select the supplier and click Update (Ref:Img 8).
24. The search option is used to display the entire list of added suppliers and select the required list of suppliers and click update.
25. The New option is used to create a new supplier (Ref:Img 9).
26. For easy search of the suplier we can use the filter option to filter and display the certain categories alone. Eg: Click filter -> Enter the City and State code to be filtered and Click filter. The entered categories will be filtered and displayed (Ref:Img 10).Select the needed list and give Update.
27. In the displayed list of B2C Customers select the list of
items to be deleted and give Delete option to delete the selected items
28. To unselect the selected items use Clear option, all
the selected items will be unselected.
29. Here the supplier is created successfully.
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